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Results for "author_first: "Lewis", author_last: "Richmond""
Spiritual practice is to melt that solid plaster Spiritual practice is to melt that solid plaster
Control of any kind is an illusion Control of any kind is an illusion
The true religious force in the world The true religious force in the world
Discouragement can be a real opportunity Discouragement can be a real opportunity
Generosity is the classic expression Generosity is the classic expression
Work as a Spiritual Practice Lewis Richmond on doing everything with love and compassion.
Healing Lazarus Lewis Richmond on surrender as part of the practice of grace.
A Whole Life's Work A probe into the inner meaning of what we do and the footprints we leave behind.
Healing Lazarus Part memoir and part teaching on the lessons accompanying a healing journey.
Work as a Spiritual Practice Down-to-earth exercises on deepening awareness, handling change, and engendering personal growth.